Web service
Provider of statistical information (PSI) can also use the web service provided by this portal to send Intrastat-SK reports. The URL address of the web service is https://intrastat.financnasprava.sk/service/server.php. The wsdl document for this web service is available here.
The web service uses the so-called basic authentication to verify the user, i.e. the name and password assigned by the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic to PSI. At the same time, the X-Custom-Data item must be entered in the request header (headers), which contains the VAT identification number of PSI.
The web service contains three methods:
- UploadXML - the method is used to send an XML message containing Intrastat-SK declarations in the same format as specified in the XML Message Format section in the <INSTAT> tag, in addition, it is possible to fill in the <Description> parameter containing the message description. The method returns the value 1 in the <Result> tag and the identifier of the message delivery status in the <ID> tag if communication with the portal is successful or returns the value 0 in the <Result> tag and a description of the error in the <ResultMsg> tag, if the communication is unsuccessful.
- GetDeliveryStatusByID - the method is used to obtain a delivery status of the sent XML message according to the <ID> identifier, which was returned by the UploadXML method. The method therefore expects the <ID> parameter. The method returns the value 1 in the <Result> tag and a delivery status of the message in the <Data> tag if the communication with the portal is successful or returns the value 0 in the <Result> tag and a description of the error in the <ResultMsg> tag if the communication is unsuccessful.
- GetCompleteDeliveryStatus - the method is used to obtain a complete delivery status of all sent XML messages of PSI. The method has no parameters. The method returns number of items of delivery status in the <Result> tag and a delivery status of messages in the <Data> tag if the communication with the portal is successful (individual messages are contained in the <Item> tag) or returns the value 0 in the <Result> tag and a description of the error in the <ResultMsg> tag if the communication is unsuccessful.